AI thoughts and Experiments

In my learning experience design work, I leverage a diverse range of generative AI tools to enhance clarity and foster genuine connections. From Midjourney for visuals to Suno for audio and ElevenLabs for voice synthesis, these technologies serve as powerful aids in creating engaging content. I've found that Generative AI is used best when not taken straight from it's output, but as an asset to be leveraged (usually in Photoshop).
The goal isn't to replace human creativity, but to augment and elevate it - allowing us to express concepts more clearly and connect more authentically with learners.
Here are a few of the tools in my ever-evolving generative toolbox.
Midjourney and Visual Electric for Image Assets

Suno for Homeschool History
My kids are homeschooled. My wife carries 95% of the teaching burden.
But! Recently I've dusted off my History and Education majors to help contribute to the cause as well.
I'm teaching the kids a Western Civ basics history class called "Renaissance to Revolution." Just as an experiment, I've used Suno
Here's a few history "memory hook" songs. (Mostly for good vibes and fun.... but also a good way to learn key terms!)
AD FONTES - Back to the Sources
ElevenLabs for Storytelling
Written in collaboration with ChatGPT, recorded by my voice.
Sound effects added in post production. Total Time to create: 2 hours.